10 Steps to Personal Joy

YOU WERE CREATED FOR JOY! Every day that you are living and breathing on planet earth, it is up to you to demonstrate the joy of heaven’s glory even while living in earth’s pain. It’s a bona fide miracle that we, as His children, have been allowed to carry the most stunning characteristic of the Father in our human shells. However, because we have been jaded by disappointments, bullied by discouragement and distracted by frustrating people, often the joy of heaven is lost in the haze of earthbound living ~ that’s why we need a plan! We need a strategic plan to recapture the real joy for which we were created. I hope that you will apply the following 10 principles to your life as a daily discipline. If you have been thirsty for a joy that is foreign to your personality and seems to be only a mirage in the desert of life, then these 10 very do-able steps will stir up what has been lacking in your life!